K-State College of Agriculture and Master of Agribusiness

Manhattan, KS – With a diverse range of majors, Kansas State University College of Agriculture provides a comprehensive, diverse, and globally-leading education within the rewarding and dynamic agricultural field. Thanks to K-State’s Career Center and industry connections, 97% of new ag grads have jobs or are continuing their education through a master’s program.

College of Agriculture undergraduate majors include: Agribusiness, Agricultural Communications and Journalism, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Education, Agricultural Technology Management, Agronomy, Animal Sciences and Industry, Bakery Science and Management, Feed Science and Management, Food Science and Industry, General Agriculture, Horticulture, Milling Science and Management, Park Management and Conservation, Pre-Veterinary Medicine, and Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management.

Graduate programs include Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Education and Communication, Agronomy, Animal Science, Entomology, Food Science, Grain Science, Horticulture and Natural Resources, Horticulture, and Plant Pathology. K-State’s Master of Agribusiness (mab.ksu.edu) is an award-winning, online business-focused graduate degree for professionals working in food, agriculture, and animal health. Not an MBA in agribusiness, and not an M.S. in Agricultural Economics, but a professional degree program training managers for one of the most rapidly changing industries today. In addition to the traditional courses you would find in MBA program such as finance and management, the Master of Agribusiness tailors each course to the industry. MAB students and alumni work in every sector of the agribusiness industry and located in 40 states within the United States and in more than 30 countries.


Visit K-State at World Ag Expo® Online at http://bit.ly/WAE21-KState.